could you please tell me how to put songs on my mp3 player

Asked by chris on 12/14/2008 4  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 1 month ago

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0 I've got the same thing, I can't put songs on it but my computer doesn't even recognize the player. It just charged up fully and that's it. My computer is win xp and it should work. I installed everything from the CD but the player still doesn't show up on my computer. Maybe it's faulty or only for Japan ?
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0 A URL was provided by an anonymous user
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0 I've got the same thing, I can't put songs on it but my computer doesn't even recognize the player. It just charged up fully and that's it. My computer is win xp and it should work. I installed everything from the CD but the player still doesn't show up on my computer.
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0 You may need to reload software. you might try to share with windows meadia on your computer.
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0 I have the player, and when I plugged it in, Windows Media recognized it, and let me drag and drop into the player, Im thinking you may have a faulty player, or somthing blocking it in Windows. My problem is gettin gthe viedo size bigger, I am showing only 1/2 size screen when viewing a movie...
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