need to know what wires go where from stereo

Asked by will on 08/26/2008 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 4 months ago

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5 yellow - battery wire connect it with the red - hot wire both on the radio wires connect them to the red and yellow wires in you car wiring als the hot and battery, orange with white stripe is the ill wire connect it to the orange to your car, white is lft frnt + white w/ black is lft frnt -, gray is rght frnt + gray w/blck is rght frnt -, grn is lft rear + grn w/blck is lft rear -, prpl is rght rear + prpl w/blck is rght rear - blue is system remote control, yellow w/blck is mute blck is ground
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