Asked by Paul J on 01/22/2008 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 11 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 Hi-my name is Paul Warrington Jr. I live at 9351 Harrison St,#626,KC,MO,64131,816-363-4519.I have Dementia from 5/02 when my students turned out the classroom lights and hit me over the head with my music stand. I can not remember where I put this manual as I also sleep-walk for 3.5 years. I will gladly pay you to duplicate this manual because i'm scheduled for back surgery within the next month. In sept '07 they put me in a room across the nurses desk and someone stole my Journal-I have to write down everything and my dvd player. So-I bout this great player and can Velcro it to the under bed. I have called Philips twice and all they want to do is have me get on line!This computering is quite taxing for me and I don't want to continue with additional stress as my next Kidney shot and yearly full panel tests are coming soon. If you can help me I would deeply appreciae it---Thank you--Paul
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