Pbt500 stopped pairing with my iPhone

Asked by Robert on 06/21/2014 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 6 months ago

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5 1) Try resetting the speaker, iPhone, and iPad, and make sure that your devices have Bluetooth enabled. Make sure that you have the latest updates on all of your devices. Note that the speaker can only be paired with one device at a time. 2) Sometimes the speaker may be connected to another device. Try turning of the Bluetooth on all your devices and turning the speaker on; this will cause it to go into search mode and wait for a pair request from the device you intend to connect. Then you can turn that device on and pair with the speaker. 3) If you continue to have trouble, visit your local RadioShack; Auvio is their brand and so they can provide the most relevant assistance.
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