I am trying to find out how to change the setting so when I turn the player on it doesn't always start in the same place. I'm tired of scrolling through songs everytime

Asked by Tina on 06/30/2010 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 6 months ago

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0 I can get teh player to play an entire album fine, but then it repeats once the album is done and doesn't move on to the next album/artist without having to manually select it, and my play mode setting is already at Normal, not repeat what am I missing?
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0 If you're turning it off manually, by holding the middle button down where you want it to start off at, there shouldn't be a problem. If you're just turning it off from the on/off switch at the top.. There's your problem. Try holding the middle button down until it says 'goodbye' and the screen goes black, then turn it off, but the switch. To second one, did you possibly hit 'repeat all'?
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