how do i get music on mp3 and charge battery

Asked by anthony on 02/11/2010 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 11 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 I am having the same problem with charging. I see in the instruction manual that it says to make sure the player is turned to on but when I plug it in to the comp I have no luck at all. I can leave the connected for several hours and still have no charge. I just bought my player and have been having this issue for a while. Could it be something I am or am not doing that prevents it from charging correctly? Can somebody who has the same player please give a more detailed instruction on charging the player.
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0 I am having the same problem with charging. I see in the instruction manual that it says to make sure the player is turned to on but when I plug it in to the comp I have no luck at all. I can leave the connected for several hours and still have no charge. I just bought my player and have been having this issue for a while. Could it be something I am or am not doing that prevents it from charging correctly? Can somebody who has the same player please give a more detailed instruction on charging the player.
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0 i dont us a comp. to charge mine i just use like say u have comcast or direct tv and u have an dvr theres a usb port on there on theres things at the store that u can just plug into the wall and if u have a cell phone charger that fits it it works 2
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