How do I load music on to the MP620?

Asked by Mike on 11/11/2013 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 11 years, 1 month ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 The Coby Media Manager (CMM) is for syncing (or transferring) media files to the MP3 player, converting media files for compatibility, updating the player's software, and browsing and playing the user's media library on a PC. The program can be installed on a Microsoft Windows-based PC or Mac computer by connection with the supplied USB adapter; the installation prompts come up automatically. The CMM instruction The Coby Media Manager (CMM) is for syncing (or transferring) media files to the MP3 player, converting media files for compatibility, updating the player's software, and browsing and playing the user's media library on a PC. The program can be installed on a Microsoft Windows-based PC or Mac computer by connection with the supplied USB adapter; the installation prompts come up automatically. The CMM instruction manual can be accessed on the player itself.manual can be accessed on the player itself.
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