Designed for volume frying and
products requiring longer cook times
Maximize your profits by combining more
efficiency with more capacity. The big 18” x
18” (46 x 46 cm) fry area easily accommodates
everything from large loads of French fries
to chicken, specialty foods or any breaded
Make the most of your energy dollars with our
exclusive Thermo-Tube design. The heating
tubes are surrounded by oil and heat absorp-
tion is maximized with controlled flow-tube
baffles. The energy is forced into the oil, with
less going unused up the vent. The benefits
are quick heat-up times, low idle costs and low
gas consumption per load of product cooked.
The SM60G has a 60-75 lb. (30-37 liter) oil
capacity for optimum cooking power. Plus,
Dean’s wide cold zone design minimizes
wasteful oil deterioration by trapping debris
under the cooking area, preventing carboniza-
tion of particles and oil contamination. Sloped
bottom with 1.25” (3 cm) drain valve makes
cleaning fast and easy.
Assure rapid recovery with Dean’s accurate
mechanical thermostat, and 150,000 Btu/hr.
(37,783 kcal) (44 kW) of input power, which
eliminates time lost in waiting between loads
and requires no electrical hookup.
Build on our versatility by combining two or
more units into a battery. Add optional filtra-
tion for safe and fast oil filtering.
Dean fryers achieve long and dependable life
through simplicity of design, durable stainless
steel baffles and rugged cast-iron burners.
These features keep maintenance to a mini-
Standard Features
SM60G Super Marathon
Gas Fryer
SM60G Super Marathon Gas Fryer
CSI Section 11400
Options &
• 60-75 lb. (30-37 liter) frypot oil capacity
• 150,000 Btu/hr. input
• Millivolt pilot system - requires no elec-
trical hookup
• Stainless-steel frypot, front and door
• Stainless-steel, over-the-flue basket
hanger and two fry baskets 6.12” x 8.75”
x 17”
(16 x 22 x 43 cm) with insulated handles
• Wide cold zone
• 3/4” NPT gas connection on single units
• Combination gas valve with regulator
• 6” (15 cm) adjustable steel legs
Stainless-steel side panels
Oil filtration system - Super
Cascade (UFF) or Cascade
Matching cabinet and dump
station with or without filtra-
5489 Campus Drive
Shreveport, LA 71129
Tel: 318-865-1711
Tel: 1-800-221-4583
Fax: 318-868-5987
E-mail: info@dean.enodis.com
Bulletin No. 830-0042 3/08
Litho in U.S.A. ©Frymaster, LLC
Shown with optional casters.