C1002RN (1/09) Page 1 of 4
Axis IP Cameras Supported on Digital Sentry
Integral Digital Sentry
digital video management systems (DVMS) support certain
IP camera models. The camera models listed in this document can be used with
Digital Sentry IP camera driver and later. Refer to each camera’s
table for information about the hardware and software features validated for use on a
Digital Sentry system. Any general limitations or special instructions are listed at the
beginning of the document, and any model-specific information is listed after each table.
For information about the general usage of each camera, refer to the camera
manufacturer’s documentation.
A single AXIS driver in DSAdmin controls all supported AXIS cameras.
To obtain the latest IP camera driver or documentation for use with Digital Sentry, refer
to the Pelco Web site at
AXIS 206, AXIS 207, AXIS 207W
Firmware N/A
Supported Resolutions 640 x 480 maximum
Frames per Second (FPS) 1 to 30
Number of Quality Settings 10
Supported Codec MJPEG
Supported Motion Detection Integral, In-Camera
Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) Not available
Release Notes