The Chiller Controller has the most features of any Sporlan controller.
It will control one or two Sporlan Electric Expansion Valves, and con-
trols superheat by means of pressure-temperature control. The controller
controls each valve independently, and the valves may be different sizes,
i.e. one SEI-2 and one SEH-175. Pressure-temperature superheat control
for one of four common refrigerants may be selected. Controllers can
be ordered configured for R-22, R-134a, R-404A, R-407C and R-507.
The refrigerant type can be changed in the field by use of the optional
“Panel Display.” Onboard readouts show actual superheat, superheat set
point, and valve position. Two push buttons are provided on the board,
to change the superheat set point, as well as open, close, or position the
valve. Proportional and Integral set points are also included to change
responsiveness of the valve.
As illustrated in Figure 1, the controller is provided with hardware and
input/output connections for a number of user specified purposes. See
• One or two valve control
• Two pressure inputs (transducer supplied by Sporlan)
• Two digital inputs (from external switches or relays)
• Four temperature inputs (Sporlan supplied surface or air sensors)
• Optional battery backup for onboard time clock and fail-safe
valve closure
• Two digit LED readout
• One green LED indicator
• One red LED indicator
• Two push buttons for set point, alarm cancellation, etc.
• One 8-position dip switch for addressing, mode selection, etc.
• Two 20 amp, 240 VAC NC/NO relays
• One 5 amp 240 VAC NC/NO relay
• RS 485 port
• Panel Display jack
Please note that although relays, etc. appear on the Chiller Board,
standard software does not support those devices. Custom (proprie-
tary) software must be written for anything other than superheat con-
trol. Please contact Sporlan Division of Parker for more information.
When handling the boards, electrostatic protection procedures should
be followed. The installer should be grounded through a ground
strap. If ground straps or other ESD protection is not available,
ONLY handle the board by its edges or by the battery holders. DO
1. The board should be mounted in a dry, protected environment using
the predrilled mounting holes in each corner. Make sure none of the
printed circuit paths or components are touching the metal panel or
any thing else conductive.
2. If only one valve is used, connections are to be made to terminal
block closest to display readout and push buttons PB1 and PB2.
3. Controllers are configured for pressure temperature superheat control.
4. Connect temperature sensor to TS2. The sensor is not polarized. For
suction lines 7/8” or less, the sensor should be mounted to the cop-
per suction line after the evaporator, using the furnished clamps. For
larger lines or steel piping, a “well sensor,” available from Sporlan,
should be installed.
5. The pressure transducer should be mounted on the top of the suction
line near the temperature sensor location. Transducer connections to
the board are as follows:
• The power wire is red and is connected to the 1+ terminal.
• The signal wire is green and is connected to the 1S terminal.
• The ground wire is black and is connected the 1- terminal.
6. The valve leads are connected to the terminals labeled Valve 1.
• The black lead is connected to terminal labeled B of Valve 1.
• The white lead is connected to terminal labeled W of Valve 1.
• The green lead is connected to terminal labeled G of Valve 1.
• The red lead is connected to terminal labeled R of Valve 1.
7. DI1 is a digital input used as a pumpdown terminal. A short or
closed contact from an external relay will close the valve for pump-
down. When the relay opens or the short is removed, the valve will
return to normal operation.
8. If two valves are used the second valve and its temperature sensor,
pressure transducer, and pumpdown are connected as above. Caution
should be used on two valve systems to make sure that the sensors are
connected to the terminal strip used for the valve they are controlling.
• The temperature sensor for Valve 2 is connected to TS4 as
described above.
• The pressure transducer for Valve 2 is connected to 2+, 2S, 2-
as described above.
• The valve is connected to terminals labeled Valve 2 as described
• The pumpdown terminal for Valve 2 is labeled DI2. It is con-
nected as described above.
• Power is connected to the terminal marked 24VAC. Power
requirements are 24 volts AC at 40 VA. For protection from
electrical transients, connect one MOV varistor between one
leg of the input voltage of the 24 VAC transformer and earth
ground. Connect a second MOV varistor between the other leg of
the input voltage of the 24 VAC transformer to earth ground. A
recommended part number for a MOV is Harris Semiconductor
DI Pumpdown
Two 20 ampere
240 VAC
NC/NO relays
One 5 ampere
240 VAC
NC/NO relay
Holders for
Optional Fail
Safe Batteries
Valve 1
Two Digit
LED Display
Status LED
Two Push
RS 485 Post
24 Volt AC
50/60 Hz.
40 VA Input
Ch i l l e r Co n t r o l l e r
Installation and Servicing Instructions
Figure 1
Terminals for Valve 1 shown.
Terminals for Valve 2 similar.