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©2009 Sunbeam Products, Inc. doing business as Jarden Consumer Solutions.
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©2009 Sunbeam Products, Inc. operando bajo el nombre de
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Distribuido por Sunbeam Products, Inc. operando bajo el nombre de
Jarden Consumer Solutions, Boca Raton, Florida 33431.
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En los Estados Unidos, esta garantía es ofrecida por Sunbeam Products, Inc. operando bajo el
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Servicio al Consumidor.
To Use the Warm Function
Step 1. Place baking pan with food inside on wire rack.
Step 2. Close glass door completely.
Step 3. Turn the Function dial to Warm.
Step 4. Turn the Temperature dial to 200º F.
Step 5. Turn the Timer to desired warming time.*
Step 6. When Warming is complete, open door completely and remove food.**
To Use the Broil Function
Adjustable Broil allows the oven to broil at any temperature. Great for
melting cheese at 150º F or cooking fish at 400º F. Adjust as needed.
Step 1. Place food on broil rack or on baking pan if needed.
Step 2. Close glass door leaving approximately a 2 inch opening at the top of
the countertop oven.
Step 3. Turn the Function dial to Broil.
Step 4. Turn the Temperature dial to desired temperature.
Step 5. Turn the Timer to desired cook time.*
Step 6. When Broiling is complete, open door completely and remove food.**
** WARNING: Cooked food and metal rack can be very hot, handle with care.
Do not leave Countertop Oven unattended.
* Special note: If cook time is less than 20 minutes, you must turn Timer past
the 20 minute mark to engage the timer then back to desired time.
Positioning Rack
• To accommodate a wide variety of foods the oven has two rack positions.
The rack can be inserted in the oven in the upper or lower rack guides.
The rack will fit into either of the rack guides inside of the Countertop Oven.
(See Figure Below)
• Before removing the rack allow the unit to cool.
• To remove the rack, open the oven door and pull the rack towards the front
of the oven. The rack will slide on the rack guides on the inside of the oven.
PLEASE NOTE: the oven rack may tilt downward causing food to shift
when the rack is pulled out, proceed with caution.
• Positioning of the oven rack will depend on the size of the food and desired
browning. Adjust rack downward to prevent top browning and upward to
prevent bottom burning.
For best toasting results, position the rack in the upper rack guide.
P.N. 133187 Rev. 1
Printed in China Impreso en China
User Manual
Countertop Oven
Manual de Instrucciones
Horno Versátil Para Mostrador
Pechuga de Pavo asada con vegetales aromáticos
1 pechuga de pavo pequeña 2 tallos de apio, cortados en cubitos de
2 dientes de ajo pelados ¼ de pulgada (0.6cm)
1 o 2 ramitos de romero y tomillo frescos 1 limón, cortado por la mitad
1 cebolla pequeña, cortada en cubitos de Chili en polvo
¼ de pulgada (0.6cm) Sal Kosher y pimienta
3 zanahorias pequeñas, cortadas en cubitos de 1 ½ taza de caldo de gallina
¼ de pulgada (0.6cm)
Precaliente el horno tostador Oster a 450°F. Esparza los vegetales al fondo de un molde para hornear
de 11 pulgadas (28 cm) por 1 ½ a 2 pulgadas (3.5 a 5 cm) de alto y ponga encima la pechuga de pavo.
Meta el ajo y las hierbas debajo de la pechuga. Exprima el limón sobre el pavo y sazone con chili en
polvo, sal y pimienta. Cocine por 25 minutos. Baje la temperatura del horno a 325°F y vierta el caldo
al fondo del molde, hasta que llegue a 1 pulgada (2.5cm) a los lados del molde. Continúe cocinando,
hasta que el jugo del pavo se vea transparente y alcance una temperatura interna de 180°F.
Chuletas de cerdo a la mostaza y hierbas con papas asadas
1 paquete de filetes de cerdo, 1 ½ - 2 libras 5 dientes de ajo, pelados y molidos
3 cucharadas de Mostaza Dijón 6 papas pequeñas Yukón Gold, en cuartos
3 cucharadas de romero fresco, cocido al vapor y picado 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
3 cucharadas de tomillo fresco, cocido al vapor 1 cucharadita de pimienta fresca molida,
1 cucharada de sal Kosher, y un adicional para las papas más un adicional para las papas
Precaliente el horno tostador Oster a 375°F. Cubra el cerdo con la mostaza Dijón. En un tazón
pequeño, combine 2 cucharadas de romero, 2 cucharadas de tomillo, sal, pimienta y ajos. Esparza sobre
las chuletas de cerdo y coloque en un molde grande para hornear que entre fácilmente en el horno.
Esparza las papas alrededor del cerdo y rocíe el aceite de oliva. Espolvoree sal, pimienta y la cucharada
restante de romero y tomillo sobre las papas. Cocine por ½ hora o hasta que las chuletas de cerdo no
estén rosadas en el centro. Retire el cerdo, cubra con papel aluminio y deje aparte. Pinche las papas con
un tenedor para verificar si están suaves y cocine por 15 a 20 minutos adicionales si es necesario.
Consejos Útiles / Diagnóstico de Problemas
• Alimentos crudos/
pasados de cocción
• Olor a quemado al
encender el horno
• El horno no se
• Solo un elemento
calentador está
• Los elementos
calentadores no
se mantienen
• Tal vez tenga que ajustar el tiempo y
la temperatura a gusto.
• Debido a que su horno de mesa es más
pequeño que su horno común, se calentará
más rápido y generalmente cocinará en
períodos más cortos.
• Vea la sección “Colocación de la rejilla”, en
la página español-5. La rejilla puede necesitar
ajustes para contener los tipos de alimentos.
• Vea la sección “Limpieza del horno de
mesa”, página español-6.
• Enchufe el horno de mesa en un
tomacorriente de 120 voltios CA.
• Ajuste la perilla del reloj programador y
de la temperatura a la posición deseada.
Ambas deben estar encendidas para que
el horno de mesa funcione.
• Revise si se seleccionó la opción Asar
• Confirme que la selección de la función
sea la correcta
• Temperatura o programación
tiempo incorrectas
• Ubicación de la rejilla
• Alimentos atascados dentro
del horno, en los elementos
calentadores o en la bandeja
para migas.
• La unidad está desenchufada
• Reloj programador
• La selección de la función
determina qué elemento
calentador funciona.
• Los elementos calentadores
cambiarán de encendido (ON) y
apagado (OFF) para mantener
la temperatura apropiada.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed including
the following:
• Do not touch hot surfaces. Always use oven mitts when handling hot materials and allow
metal parts to cool before cleaning. Allow the unit to cool thoroughly before putting in or taking off
parts. Always use the oven handles when moving the unit.
• When the unit is not in use and before cleaning, unplug the countertop oven from the wall outlet.
Note: Make sure the oven is turned off before unplugging.
• To protect against risk of electrical shock, do not immerse the appliance in water or any other liquids.
• Close supervision is always necessary when this or any appliance is used near children.
This appliance is not for use by children.
• Do not operate this or any appliance with a frayed or damaged cord or plug or after the appliance
malfunctions or is dropped or has been damaged in any manner. Return the countertop oven to
the nearest Authorized Sunbeam Appliance Service Center for examination, repair or electrical
or mechanical adjustment.
• Do not use attachments not recommended by the manufacturer; they may cause fire, electric shock
or personal injury.
• Do not use outdoors or for commercial purposes.
• Do not use this appliance for other than its intended use.
• Do not let the cord dangle over the edge of a tabletop or countertop or touch hot surfaces.
• Do not place the appliance near a hot gas or electric burner or in a heated oven.
• Extreme caution should be used when using containers constructed of material other than metal
or glass.
• A fire may occur if the countertop oven is covered or touching flammable materials, including
curtains, draperies, walls, etc., when in operation. Do not store any items on top of the appliance
when in operation.
• When using countertop oven, pull the unit out a minimum of 6 inches away from the wall or
other cords.
• Do not store any materials, other than manufacturer’s recommended accessories, in this unit when
not in use.
• Do not place any flammable materials in oven, such as paper, cardboard, plastic or any materials
that may catch fire or melt.
• Do not cover the oven tray with metal foil. This will cause overheating of the appliance.
• Oversized foods or metal utensils must not be inserted in the appliance as they may create a fire
or risk of electrical shock.
• Do not clean with metal scouring pads. Pieces can break off the pad and touch electrical parts
involving a risk of electrical shock.
• When broiling, use extreme caution when removing pan or disposing of hot grease.
• To turn this appliance off, return all controls to the “OFF” position.
• Extreme caution must be used when moving an appliance containing hot oil or other hot liquid.
• To disconnect rotate or return all controls to the “OFF” position, then remove the plug from wall outlet.
Th i s Un i T is f o r ho U s e h o l d Us e on l y
sh o r T Po w e r sU P P l y Co r d in s T r U C T i o n s
A short power-supply cord is provided to reduce the risk resulting from becoming entangled in or
tripping over a longer cord. An extension cord may be used if care is exercised in its use. If an extension
cord is used, the electrical rating of the cord must be at least as great as the electrical rating of the
appliance. The extension cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over the countertop or
tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over unintentionally.
For Products Purchased in the United States and Canada Only
To reduce the risk of electrical shock, this appliance has a polarized plug (one blade is wider than
the other). This plug fits a polarized outlet only one way; if the plug does not fit fully into the outlet,
reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician. Do not attempt to defeat this
safety feature.
Learning About Your Countertop Oven
1. Temperature Control Knob – Adjust the dial thermostat to the
desired temperature. (See Figure 1)
2. Function Selector Knob – Select cooking function by turning
knob to desired setting. (See Figure 2)
3. Timer Control Knob with Bell Signal – Set cooking time up to
60 minutes. Will automatically turn the oven OFF at the
end of the cooking time. (See Figure 3)
4. Removable Crumb Tray – For crumb or fallen food particles
collection. Place at the bottom of the oven, below heating
elements. Pulls out for easy cleaning.
5. Removable Wire Rack – See “Positioning Rack” section.
6. Tempered Glass Door – For front viewing of food.
7. Two Rack Positions
8. Baking Pan & Cookie sheet in one and Broil Rack –
Use for all your baking, broiling and grilling needs.
9. Easy Clean Interior Walls – Allows fast clean up.
Preparing To Use Your Countertop Oven for the First Time
* NOTE: During initial start up you may detect a slight smell and/or smoke. Turn the temperature to
max and let run for approximately 5 minutes.
If you are using your Countertop oven for the first time, please be sure to:
• Remove any stickers from the surface of the oven.
• Open oven door and remove all printed documents and paper from inside the Countertop Oven.
• Clean the rack and pan with hot water, a small amount of dishwashing liquid and a non-abrasive
cleaning pad.
• Place at the bottom of the oven, below heating elements
• Place crumb tray at the bottom of the oven, below heating elements
• Dry the unit thoroughly before using.
• Select a location for the Countertop Oven. The location should be in an open area on a flat counter
where the plug will reach an outlet.
• Plug the Countertop Oven into a 120 Volt AC electrical outlet.
WARNING: When Countertop Oven is in use or cooling down, please be sure there is a 6-inch
clearance between the Countertop Oven and any other surface including cords.
Be sure the cord is not resting against the back of the Countertop Oven.
To Use the Toast Function
Step 1. Place food on Wire Rack.
Step 2. Close glass door completely.
Step 3. Turn the Function dial to Toast.
Step 4. Turn the Temperature dial to 450˚ F
Step 5. Turn the Timer past 20 minute mark to engage timer, then back to
desired toast time anywhere between the Toast symbols.
Step 6. When toasting is complete, open door completely and remove food.**
For best toasting results, position the rack in the upper position.
To Use the Convection Bake Function
The Convection Heat function turns on a built in fan that circulates hot air in
the oven chamber to better heat food.
Preheat oven 5-7 minutes at desired temperature with oven rack in place.
Step 1. Place baking pan with food inside on wire rack.
Step 2. Close glass door completely.
Step 3. Turn the Function dial to Convection Bake.
Step 4. Turn the Temperature dial to desired setting.
Step 5. Turn the Timer to desired cook time.*
Step 6. When baking is complete, open door completely and remove food.**
FAQs About Convection Baking
What is Convection?
Answer: In your Countertop Oven there is a built in fan that circulates the hot air
in the oven chamber to better heat the food.
How do I adjust the time for Convection?
Answer: On average, convection will shorten the cooking time by 30%
but it varies by food. It is suggested to go with a shorter cooking time to start
with and then add time if it is needed.
What are the best foods to use with Convection?
Answer: While a shorter cook time is often desirable, bake goods in particular
benefit from convection cooking as the circulating air keeps oven temperature
consistent throughout.
Figure 2
Figure 1
Figure 3
Ra c k Gu i d e
Op t i O n s
Turn to 20
and then
to desired
– – –
FO ld
– – –
– – –
FO ld
– – –
– – –
FO ld
– – –
– – –
FO ld
– – –
– – –
FO ld
– – –
– – –
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– – –
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FO ld
– – –
– – –
FO ld
– – –
English-3 English-4