
Features Except for the optional
subwoofer, the entire system comes
in a box whose footprint is about the
size of an extra-large pizza box,
although much deeper. There are
three identical front speakers—each
long and elegant and ready to be
placed horizontally or vertically with
wall-mounting key holes or screw-
on stands—and a pair of rear
surrounds. The surrounds look like
computer speakers but are much
heavier than you would expect for
their size, with mounting brackets
that double as stands. The speakers
are finished in dark gray with
medium gray accents.
All of the speakers combine
3.5-inch woofers—two each in the
case of the fronts—with a 0.75-inch
aluminum tweeter that’s mated to
Klipsch’s signature Tractrix horn.
The horn is precisely shaped to
allow sound to emanate as efficient-
ly as possible, meaning you won’t
need a boatload of power to get
loud, clean sound—a modest
receiver will do the trick.
Rounding out my review system
is the Synergy Sub-12, featuring a
300-watt amplifier and a 12-inch
down-firing driver. The subwoofer
has enough connections and
controls to accommodate almost
any configuration you can dream
up. Around back there’s a huge
4.5-inch port, so you need to leave a
little space between the back of the
sub and the wall.
PerFOrMaNCe If you like your movie
soundtracks loud and clean, the
Review by Vince Hanada
Small and Hard Hitting
Klipsch Quintet SL Home Theater Speakers
ne look at Klipsch’s Quintet SL home theater speakers and you can tell
they’d go great with a flat-panel TV. You can even mount them on the wall
or use their nifty pedestals to sit them alongside (or below) the TV. But, as
always, it comes down to one simple question: can this little system carry a big, bad
movie soundtrack? In a word: yes it can. Add a subwoofer and you have a hard-hitting,
dynamic speaker rig that’s ideal for small- to medium-size rooms—and affordable, too.
The Klipschorn speaker, launched by
Paul W. Klipsch in 1946, is the only
speaker in the world that has been in
continuous production for more than
60 years.
Electronically reprinted from November 2007
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