Proper pbacementof the speakers variations will not diminish your
is an important step inobtaining listening pleasure
the most realistic soundstage All of[he Nor[bridge Series
possible Theserecommenda_ loudspeakers referred to in this
tions are fel [he optimal guideare video-shielded (except
placement of the loudspeakers models N24AWIIand N26AWII)
ii_ Usethese placement recom_ andcan safely beplaced near a
menda{ions as a guide. Slight television:
Note:Model NSPlll includES
four N2411speakers and one
N-CENTERIIspeake_ Fora
complete home theater speaker
system, add a JBL powered
subwoofer to this model
....... k
400 609
As Surround Speakers
5 6f[
Note for alt-wea_er
models:While the N24AWJl
and N26AWJlare weather-
resistant, they are not
designed to beimmersed Jn
waten Be selective in your
_[tJoor pJacemen[ Placing
thes_ speakers under roof
eaves ora patio awnh]g
will offer some shelter and
help contribute to years of
t_ouble4_ee pelformance
When installed outdoors,
the speakers should be
angled down slighUy,using
the mounting brackets that
are included wkh models
N2411and N24AWll
Seeyour JBLdealer
for theoptional brackets
(WBN26WHT) available
for model N26AWII
N24 N24AWn,N26AW ,