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EAW products are continually improved. All specifications are therefore subject to change without notice. KF760/0002962/2 pp April 2002 Printed in USA
The KF760 is part of the KF760 Line Array Series. The KF760
Series uses advanced divergence shading where all loud-
speakers are powered at equal level. A full KF760/KF761 array
can provide uniform sound coverage from directly beneath
itself out to hundreds of feet without complex signal pro-
cessing. Vertical coverage for the array is set by varying the
splay of the rear of the enclosures, leaving the fronts tight-
packed. This configuration produces a continuous, coherent
wavefront from the array, projecting extended range, high-
resolution sound over its full coverage area.
Quality construction features include, Baltic birch plywood
enclosures, heavy-duty steel grilles, Neutrik NL8 connectors,
heavy duty bar handles, rear hand-holds, and accessory cast-
er pallets. Six Year Warranty.
This high output touring system is scalable from theaters
under 1,000 seats to stadiums. The KF760 is used as the short
to long throw element of a KF760 Series line array providing
coverage in the range of 70 to 400 feet. The KF761 supple-
ments the KF760s to provide near-field coverage for distances
less than 70 feet. The recommended minimum KF760/KF761
array size is four enclosures. For full performance eight enclo-
sures are recommended. To extend the low frequency
response, KF940 SuperSubs™ make an ideal complement to
the KF760 Series.
Applications include:
Arenas Convention Centers Large Ballrooms
Stadiums Theaters Music Pavilions
Auditoriums Outdoor Events
Frequency Response (Hz)
±3 dB (1) Enclosure Array 80 Hz to 16 kHz
±3 dB (8) Enclosure Array 40 Hz to 16 kHz
Axial Sensitivity (dB SPL, 1 Watt @ 1m)
LF Single Enclosure 96
MF Single Enclosure 108
HF Single Enclosure 113
LF (8) Enclosure Array 106
MF (8) Enclosure Array 125
HF (8) Enclosure Array 117
Impedance (Ohms)
LF 2x 8
MF 8 (2@ 16 Ohm each)
HF 8 (2@ 16 Ohm each)
Power Handling (Watts Continuous)
LF 2000
MF 800
HF 300
Recommended High-Pass Frequency
24dB/Octave 40 Hz
Calculated Maximum Output (dB SPL @ 1m)
Single Enclosure
LF Peak/Long Term 135/129
MF Peak/Long Term 142/136
HF Peak/Long Term 144/138
Eight (8) Enclosure Array
LF Peak/Long Term 154/148
MF Peak/Long Term 169/163
HF Peak/Long Term 156/150
Nominal Coverage Angle -6 dB points (degrees)
Horizontal 80
Maximum Vertical Splay 3
Product Group S
System Configuration 3-way, full range
Powering Tri-amplified
LF Subsystem 2x 12-in woofers, horn-loaded
MF Subsystem 2x 10-in cone, Radial Phase
Plug™, horn-loaded
HF Subsystem 2x 2-in exit/3-in voice coil
compression driver, horn-loaded
Enclosure (shape) Horizontal trapezoid
Enclosure Materials Exterior grade Baltic birch ply-
wood, urethane
Finish Wear-resistant black textured
Connectors 2x Neutrik NL8
Suspension Hardware Proprietary EAW rigging system
Grille Powder coated perforated steel