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Using Cisco IPICS
on Your IP Phone
Identifying the Buttons and Softkeys
on the IP Phone
Accessing and Using Cisco IPICS
Tips and Guidelines for Using
For More Information
The following prerequisites must be met
before you can access the Cisco IPICS
service from a Cisco Unified IP Phone:
• The Cisco IPICS service must be
configured as a phone service for
Cisco Unified CallManager or for
Cisco Unified CallManager Express.
• User login credentials must be
configured in your user profile in the
Cisco IPICS server.
• Cisco Unified CallManager users must
subscribe to the Cisco IPICS service by
using the Cisco Unified CallManager
User Options web site.
Identifying the Buttons and
Softkeys on the IP Phone
When the Cisco IPICS service is enabled on
your IP phone, you can communicate with
other Cisco IPICS users to participate in
assigned channels and VTGs by using the
buttons and softkeys on your IP phone.
Note: The softkeys that display in the IP
phone touchscreen change based on the
menu that you access. For example, the
Select softkey displays in one menu and the
Submit softkey displays in another menu.
Figure 1 shows an illustration of the
Cisco IPICS service and associated buttons
and softkeys that you use on your IP phone.
Figure 1 IP Phone with Cisco IPICS
For More Information
For additional information about the
Cisco IP Interoperability and Collaboration
System (Cisco IPICS), release 2.1(1), refer
to the Cisco IPICS Server Administration
Guide, Release 2.1(1).
Refer to the following URL for the
complete Cisco IPICS documentation suite: