Cisco ONS 15600 Procedure Guide, R8.0
DLPs E100 to E199
Note The terms "Unidirectional Path Switched Ring" and "UPSR" may appear in Cisco literature. These terms
do not refer to using Cisco ONS 15xxx products in a unidirectional path switched ring configuration.
Rather, these terms, as well as "Path Protected Mesh Network" and "PPMN," refer generally to Cisco's
path protection feature, which may be used in any topological network configuration. Cisco does not
recommend using its path protection feature in any particular topological network configuration.
DLP-E100 Initiate a Force Switch on a Port in a 1+1 Protection Group
Step 1 In node view, click the Maintenance > Protection tabs.
Step 2 In the Protection Group area, select the protection group with the port you want to switch.
In the Selected Group area, each port is identified as Working or Protect. Each port also has a status:
• Active—The port is carrying traffic.
• Standby—The port is not carrying traffic.
• [MANUAL TO WORKING]—A Manual switch has moved traffic to the working port.
• [MANUAL TO PROTECT]—A Manual switch has moved traffic to the protect port.
• [FORCE TO WORKING]—A Force switch has moved traffic to the working port.
• [FORCE TO PROTECT]—A Force switch has moved traffic to the protect port.
The normal status is for one port to be Working/Active and the other to be Protect/Standby.
Step 3 In the Selected Group area, select the port that you want to switch. For example, if you want to switch
traffic from the working port to the protect port, click the working port.
Step 4 Click Force.
Purpose This task applies the Force external switching command to a 1+1
protection scheme.
Tools/Equipment Installed OC-N cards
Prerequisite Procedures DLP-E26 Log into CTC, page 16-33
Required/As Needed As needed
Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote
Security Level Provisioning or higher