Take a look at our three new subwoofer products and you’ll see Cerwin-Vega’s
latest designs take our legacy of performance and style to the next level.
These products feature the highest efciency, highest output and lowest
distortion you’ve probably ever heard, built into one of the most stylish and
compact enclosures you’ve ever seen. Our agship, the AB-36 “Afterburner”
is the ultimate power trip. The EL-36 “Earthquake” will literally “rock your
world” and the JE-36 “Junior Earthquake” is the most cost-effective model in
the series and still delivers 1,000-watts of earth shaking power.
But, maybe what’s most interesting is what has not changed. It’s the same
eviction notice generating sound that you and your friends have come to
expect from us. The same great reliability and customer service. In short, a
renewed commitment to the legacy and values that have made Cerwin-Vega
the LOUD speaker company for nearly 50 years.
We invite you to experience our new subs and the kind of sound that’s been
disturbing the peace for a half century. Today’s Cerwin-Vega!
For more information, visit us at
S U B W O O F E R S • P R O F E S S I O N A L P R O D U C T S
Earth-Shaking, Mind-Bending Vega Bass!
Cerwin-Vega!, Inc. • 555 E. Easy St. • Simi Valley, CA • 93065
Phone: 1-805-584-9332 • Fax: 1-805-583-0865 • E-mail: info@cerwin-vega.com
Stanton Europe • 382 Avenue de la Couronne, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: +32 2 645 05 00 • Fax: +32 2 645 05 05 • E-mail: euroffice@stantoneurope.com
Cerwin-Vega! is a division of the Stanton Group
Cerwin-Vega! reserves the right to make changes to product specifications and design at any time
Earth-Shaking, Mind-Bending Vega Bass!