User’s Guide
Congratulations on your adoption of i-clicker, the easiest-to-use classroom
response system available! The following guide will enable you to quickly start
using i-clicker’s fundamental applications, as well as options to use some of the
more advanced software tools.
Want to learn more about i-clicker software through live training? Visit us at
http://iclicker.webex.com to sign up for a training session, where we review the
software in its entirety. Or email us at sales@iclicker.com to schedule a session.
Have a specific technical question and need help? Email us at
support@iclicker.com or call us (toll free) at 866-209-5698.
Based on user feedback and reviews, we have made a number of changes to i>clicker and
i>grader that are designed to make your experience more robust and more intuitive.
The software upgrade:
• Is not required. If you prefer to use the classic/original software, you can find that
software still on the web site.
• Impacts both the PC and Macintosh
• Is heavily focused on user interface and course management support
• Won’t affect the data in the MyCourse folders
We’ve highlighted and included all of the upgrade features in this User Guide. You may
also consult the “Software Upgrade Conversion Guide” (on our web site and on the flash
drive) for more information.
Questions? Contact us at support@iclicker.com or call toll-free at 1-866-209-5698.