
SAS2800 Hi-Gain WiFi
MIMO Signal Booster
Hi-Gain WiFi MIMO Signal Booster (SAS2800) is a Smart
Antenna design that attaches directly to an IEEE 802.11
Access Point (AP) over a coaxial cable. Through the use o
adaptive beamforming, SAS2800 simultaneously enhances the
AP’s overall range and throughput.
The SAS2800 is designed for 802.11 b/g (11/54Mbps)
dualband applications operating in the 2.4 GHz ISM band.
The SAS2800 allows an 802.11 b/g transceiver to employ up to
four antenna elements for adaptive antenna
rocessing which
results in increased RF receiver sensitivity, extended range and
more uniform coverage. The combination of a standard AP and
a SAS2800 device significantly improves the system
performance over the AP alone, which incorporates advanced
combining algorithms that eliminate the need for additional AP
processing resources.
2.4 GHz ISM Band
IEEE 802.11 b/g operation
Completely Standards Compliant
Supports Most Proprietary Modes including
Atheros SuperG, Static Turbo and Dynamic Turbo
Up to 12 dB of beamforming gain
Improves 802.11 b/g Access Points
Expands Overall Range
Increases Throughput
Prolongs Laptop Battery Life
Provides Uniform Coverage
Simple Single Cable to AP Connection
No Software Required